Josh has been the leader of Beth Yeshua since 2011 - and his father, the late Rabbi Richard Rubinstein of beloved memory, was the founding leader of our community. Josh has grown up as a second generation Jewish believer in Yeshua - and is now raising his 5 kiddos to be the third generation!
Josh is married to Rosemary Rubinstein and recently they celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary!
Rav. Rubinstein has a B.A. from U.C. Davis in Political Science, and a M.A. in Secondary Education from San Francisco State. Additionally he is pursuing Smicha (Rabbinic training and ordination) through the Messianic Jewish Theological Institute (MJTI) of Jerusalem.
Joshua also teaches Journalism, Yearbook and PhotoJournalism at a large public high school in the greater Sacramento area.