Gifts, Tithes, Offerings or Tzedakah.
If Beth Yeshua is your primary spiritual home use the button below for tithing or giving a special tzedakah (charitable donation).
Our Donation Philosophy
A few words about giving to Beth Yeshua online…
1) We firmly believe that you should only tithe (regularly give a percentage of your income) to Beth Yeshua if: A. We are your primary source of spiritual community and growth; and B. You are committed to growing what God is doing in our community.
2) We believe in the principle of sacrificial giving as spoken about by our Messiah, Yeshua in Luke 21:1-4. Giving to God’s work should be about more than the amount, it should be about the rearranging of our lives to God’s will and the recognition that ALL provision comes from Him.
3) If you decide to give through our website there is an opportunity for you to leave “special instructions” for us. This would be the place to indicate if a gift is for the general ministry of Beth Yeshua or a specific ministry. It would also be the place to indicate your name so that we can issue you a tax receipt at the end of the year for your giving. Additionally, you can tell us in this “special instructions” section if your gift is part of ongoing “tithing” or is just a one time gift (or “offering”).
4) If you have any further questions about giving to our ministry please contact one of our elders by clicking here (EMAIL LINK)
Did you know that Beth Yeshua Donates Too?
We regularly give a portion of our congregational funds to support the following needs:
1) Beth Yeshua is a member of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC). You can read about them here: UMJC.
2) We proudly support the work of Chevra to feed Holocaust Survivors throughout the world. You can learn about them here: Chevra.
3) We are proud of Tents of Mercy and all of the work that they do feeding the poor and sharing Messiah in Israel. Their website is here: Tents of Mercy