Interested in visiting Beth Yeshua?

Fill out this form to contact us!

We will get in touch quickly!

Why isn’t our physical address on this website?

Because we have such a unique focus (see our FAQ page: LINK) we do ask people to email us and tell us a bit about themselves before simply “showing up” on any given Shabbat. We know that this is not how many faith communities work - but we are trying to be very intentional about the type of community we build.

For example, we often receive inquiries from Gentile individuals or families who believe that the focus of a Messianic Synagogue should be “Torah Observance for Gentiles.” As Messianic Judaism has grown over time many “Messianic Synagogues” would be content to be filled with Gentiles who are becoming Torah Observant.

We, however, want to be the one place in Sacramento where Jewish and Intermarried families feel that they are … home!

Yes! We do have many Gentiles and Gentile families who attend and are members of our community! We simply ask these families to understand that Beth Yeshua is first and foremost a Messianic JEWISH community, and to be true to our founding vision, and as a member of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, we must always remain a place focused on Jewish and Intermarried families celebrating Yeshua faith.